Category: General

  • Dermagic Skin Essentials

    The Dermagic Skin Essential pack is the prefect starter kit for dogs with skin conditions. This Essential Kit comes with our Skin Rescue Shampoo Bar, Skin Rescue Lotion (4 oz. bottle) and Hot Spot Salve (2 oz. jar) to work as a system to get the most effective results in treating your dog’s skin condition…

  • COVID-19 – Our Preventive Measures

    Dermagic is Open and Shipping All Orders as Normal On behalf of all of us here at Dermagic – I want to thank you for your continued trust in us to care for your dogs needs. We are here to answer all calls as normal and our office is still manned between 10am – 4…

  • Yogi’s the Pomeranian’s Miracle Recovery from Losing Hair and Skin Turning black

    See how Dermagic has helped little Yogi recover in full from Black skin disease. I have written to you before about the remarkable success of your products on our Yogi Bear.  I wanted to further update you with both story and picture. Yogi was diagnosed with the “Black Skin” condition in 2005.  He was 10 years…

  • Glycanaid

      Glycanaid is a fantastic maintenance supplement to support your dogs joint health….. Looking for a supplement that will properly support your dogs joints? Lucky for you, you have come to the right place. GlycanAid is a daily natural joint health supplement specifically designed to provide all the essential ingredients your dog needs for a…

  • Looking after you dogs this Halloween…

      Halloween is a festive and fun time for children and families. But what about our dogs? Unfortunately for them it can be a stressful time of year. Here are a few precautions to keep your dogs safe and warm from the trick or treaters…….. 1. Trick-or-treat sweets and treats are not for pets. All…

  • How to Help you Dogs Skin Allergies in Spring

    Does your dog suffer from seasonal allergies, and break out in hot spots, itchy skin or canine dermatitis? With spring here, many of us are seeing the same symptoms and skin conditions appear as last year… after hoping they had gone for good. Now is the time to act so our dogs don’t spend the…

  • Has the word “Greenwash” become a bad word…..

    Here at Dermagic Europe we haven’t heard the term “Greenwash” before, have you? Here Adelia tells us a little about the meaning and why Dermagic is different….. Here’s one definition:  Greenwashing is a term used to describe companies that carelessly jump on the eco-friendly bandwagon in an attempt to cash in quick. They may convert…

  • Looking After Our Dogs Teeth and Gums

    As there are so many skin and health conditions our dogs suffer from, sometimes we forget that just like us we need to look after their teeth and gums. Some of the signs of teeth and gum issues are bad breath, excessive drooling, loose teeth and inflamed gums. We can brush our dogs teeth each…

  • Dermagic Receives Award for Employment

    News just in from Adelia in the USA….Dermagic Skincare for Animals wins fantastic award… We are beyond thrilled to make this happy announcement… Are you ready? DERMagic Skin Care for Animals has just received the coveted Outstanding Washington Employer award from the Community Employment Alliance (CEA) and Association of Washington Business (AWB)! Yes, it’s a…

  • Dog Skin Problems Caused by Parasites (Fleas, Ticks, Mange Mites and More)

    A parasite is an organism (a flea, for example) that spends a significant portion of its life in or on the living tissue of a host organism (your pet) and which causes harm to the host without immediately killing it. Some parasites are relatively innocuous, some are not, and some can cause serious skin problems.…