Cats and Dogs both suffer from an array of different skin conditions, but there are a few of these pet skin conditions that are very common, here is a brief summery.
Fleas are probably the most common cause of skin conditions in dogs and cats.
Some dogs and cats are more sensitive to flea bites than others, with many developing allergies. Allergies to fleas is caused by the fleas saliva and even one flea bit to a sensitive pet can cause a more serious skin condition.
Atopy is another very common skin disease in both dogs and cats. Atopy is a reaction to an environmental allergen. In other words, it is an allergic reaction to something your pet is encountering where he spends time – For example your pet can develop an allergy to air bourn pollen or just from walking through grass..
Common causes of atopy include pollens, grasses, and dust mites. However, anything in your pet’s environment can be capable of causing atopy including bedding…
Food allergies
Food allergies can cause skin disease in both dogs and cats. The allergy is normally to a substance within the food that is being consumed. Common allergies include beef, poultry, and grains such as corn. However, individual pets can develop allergies to anything within the food, including preservatives or other additives. Some dogs and cats are very sensitive and may need special diets to prevent problems.
Yeast and bacterial skin infections
Skin infections caused by yeast and/or bacteria are common as secondary causes of skin disease. However, they rarely are the sole or primary cause of skin disease for pets. Skin infections are frequently seen as a complication when a pet is suffering from a flea allergy, atopy or a food allergy.
Secondary skin infections can make a dog or cat very itchy and typically need to be treated. Where possible, the underlying cause needs to be treated as well and may include appropriate measures to eliminate fleas and/or changes in diet to treat a food allergy.
Mange is the term used to describe skin diseases caused by mites in dogs and cats. There are several different types of mange.
- Demodectic mange is caused by a mite known as Demodex. It is most commonly seen in puppies but can occur in mature dogs as well. There is a form of demodectic mange seen in cats also. However, mange is much less common in cats than in dogs.
- Sarcoptic mange, also called scabies, is caused by a mite known as Sarcoptes scabeii. Sarcoptic mange is troublesome because it is also contagious to people.
There are other forms of mange also. However, demodectic and sarcoptic mange are the most commonly diagnosed.
Ringworm is fortunately not as common as a cause of skin disease as the other diseases listed above. However, ringworm is especially problematic because it is contagious to people as well as other pets. It is also difficult to rid an infected environment of the fungi that causes ringworm.
Ringworm is also sometimes referred to as dermatophytosis. It is not as the name implies caused by a worm. It is actually a fungal skin disease. There are several different types of fungi that can cause ringworm in pets.
All of these skin conditions can be cured or managed with a little help. Firstly find the cause and prevent any further contact/ damage by treating the infected area. Secondly use a healing cream and shampoo to help heal the physical symptoms. Here at Dermagic UK we can help advise you on how to help your pet get back to normal, be it hair loss or itchy red swollen skin. – We have the Dermagic system to suit you!