Category: Natural Pet Products
Dermagic Hot Spot Salve
Hot Spots, also called "acute moist dermatitis,” are areas of the skin that become inflamed, raw, infected and itchy. DERMagic Hot Spot Salve is a concentrated formulation of our Skin Rescue Lotion. This fresh-smelling salve is formulated with the same all-natural and organic ingredients, including whole-leaf aloe vera gel, vitamin E, rosemary essential oil, sesame…
Natural, Green, Organic? Whats the difference for your pet? – By Adelia Ritchie – DERMagic
Confused? You should be! Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees – and nowhere is this more true than the forest of buzz words we’re seeing in the pet industry. "Made in USA," "Natural," "Organic" and "Eco-Friendly" are just some of the marketing terms that are being hyped and written about regarding…