Author: Alex
Sir Winston the Pomeranian Beats Black Skin Disease (Alopecia X)
Folks, sometimes a story is so compelling that we feel obliged to share it. Please read about little Sir Winston’s journey back to good health, pink skin and full coat with the help of DERMagic products. Yes, Alopecia X can be reversed… and here’s one very heart-warming tale, reproduced here exactly as Sir Winston’s pet parents…
Dermagic Skin Essentials
The Dermagic Skin Essential pack is the prefect starter kit for dogs with skin conditions. This Essential Kit comes with our Skin Rescue Shampoo Bar, Skin Rescue Lotion (4 oz. bottle) and Hot Spot Salve (2 oz. jar) to work as a system to get the most effective results in treating your dog’s skin condition…
Golden Retriever Regrows Hair after Five Months on DERMagic
Dermagic UK offers a fantastic proven solution for dogs with Alopecia X, Black Skin disease’s and hair loss caused by allergies or tick bites. Her is a Golden retriever that in only a few months had a full body or healthy Hair. One of the most common problems DERMagic resolves is hair loss in pets. Not…
Case Study – Gunner Lost Hair and His Skin Went Black After Surgery
We love to show our customers the incredible results we can get from using the Dermagic products. Gunner below has had dramatic improvement for using the Dermagic Skin Rescue Lotion.. Remember Gunner? Gunner had surgery back in 2011, and after the surgical shaving, his hair never came back and his skin became blackened. So Gunner’s…
Yogi’s the Pomeranian’s Miracle Recovery from Losing Hair and Skin Turning black
See how Dermagic has helped little Yogi recover in full from Black skin disease. I have written to you before about the remarkable success of your products on our Yogi Bear. I wanted to further update you with both story and picture. Yogi was diagnosed with the “Black Skin” condition in 2005. He was 10 years…
Golden Retriever Regrows Hair after Five Months on DERMagic
Golden Retriever case study. This dog shows that after five moths you can have great results with Dermagic skincare for dogs…..article from DERMAGIC USA One of the most common problems DERMagic resolves is hair loss in pets. Not only can this be a frustrating condition, it is miserable for pets and their owners. Hair loss…
Dermagic Hot Spot Salve for you Dog
Hot Spots, also called "acute moist dermatitis,” are areas of the skin that become inflamed, raw, infected and itchy. DERMagic Hot Spot Salve is a concentrated formulation of our Skin Rescue Lotion. This fresh-smelling salve is formulated with the same all-natural and organic ingredients, including whole-leaf aloe vera gel, vitamin E, rosemary essential oil, sesame…
Golden Retriever Regrows Hair after Five Months on DERMagic
Help your dogs hair re grow with Dermagic natural skincare for pets….. One of the most common problems DERMagic resolves is hair loss in pets. Not only can this be a frustrating condition, it is miserable for pets and their owners. Hair loss is one of the most difficult to treat ailments, but not if…
Aloe Vera: The Plant of Immortality
A fantastic article from Adelia at Dermagic….. Aloe Vera gel and juice are main components in many of our DERMagic products. Natural medicine, including the use of aloe extracts, has been around much longer than modern medicine. There is a reason it’s making a comeback. Aloe, a succulent and member of the Lily family, is…
Dermagic Hot Spot Salve
Hot Spots, also called "acute moist dermatitis,” are areas of the skin that become inflamed, raw, infected and itchy. DERMagic Hot Spot Salve is a concentrated formulation of our Skin Rescue Lotion. This fresh-smelling salve is formulated with the same all-natural and organic ingredients, including whole-leaf aloe vera gel, vitamin E, rosemary essential oil, sesame…