Gunner the Dog Grows New Fur & Gets Rid of his Black Skin

Read about how Dermagic has helped this dogs black skin disappear!

By Dr Adelia Ritchie – Dermagic Founder.

Gunner had surgery back in 2011, and after the surgical shaving, his hair never came back and his skin became blackened.  So Gunner’s mom Stacy ordered DERMagic Skin Rescue Lotion and started massaging it into his skin every day starting in November.  The photo on the right is what Gunner looked like at the beginning.  Notice the crisp outline from shaving! 

Gunner – November 2011

The second photo was taken in February.  You can see pink skin returning, and Stacy reported that his skin felt warm.  The old black skin was cold and dead feeling, which is pretty accurate, really.  It takes some time for the lotion to penetrate and kill the yeast that is disrupting the normal cycle of the hair follicles and skin cells down deep. And once it does that, the new skin pushes through the old black layers and shows healthy pink colour again.  And whiskers start to appear!

Gunner – February 2012

So here’s Gunner’s beautiful fur-covered butt on its way back to full glorious coat and healthy skin!  Just a bit more to go and he’ll be just about perfect again. 

Gunner today – March 29, 2012

We are very excited about this result, but not surprised.  DERMagic products have been helping dogs like Gunner for years, even when the veterinarians have given up.
Folks, NEVER shave your dog like this.  If your pet has to have surgery, please ask your vet to shave as little as possible and not so close.  It’s not necessary and you can see the harm it does.
Gunner, thanks for being such a good sport about publicly displaying your little bottom!  And no, your new hair does NOT make your butt look big!  😀