Category: Canine Hot Spots
Dermagic Skin Essentials
The Dermagic Skin Essential pack is the prefect starter kit for dogs with skin conditions. This Essential Kit comes with our Skin Rescue Shampoo Bar, Skin Rescue Lotion (4 oz. bottle) and Hot Spot Salve (2 oz. jar) to work as a system to get the most effective results in treating your dog’s skin condition…
Case Study – Gunner Lost Hair and His Skin Went Black After Surgery
We love to show our customers the incredible results we can get from using the Dermagic products. Gunner below has had dramatic improvement for using the Dermagic Skin Rescue Lotion.. Remember Gunner? Gunner had surgery back in 2011, and after the surgical shaving, his hair never came back and his skin became blackened. So Gunner’s…
Dermagic Hot Spot Salve for you Dog
Hot Spots, also called "acute moist dermatitis,” are areas of the skin that become inflamed, raw, infected and itchy. DERMagic Hot Spot Salve is a concentrated formulation of our Skin Rescue Lotion. This fresh-smelling salve is formulated with the same all-natural and organic ingredients, including whole-leaf aloe vera gel, vitamin E, rosemary essential oil, sesame…