Dermagic Feline Skin Rescue Lotion

Dermagic Feline Skin Rescue Lotion for cats suffering with allergies

Feline Skin Rescue Lotion (cats allergy treatment) –  Cats can suffer allergies from fleas and mites, just like our dogs can. Other common cat skin conditions include fungal or bacterial infections, allergies, stress, injury, or more rarely by hormonal imbalances.

If your cat suffers from any of these conditions, try our Dermagic feline skin rescue lotion to relieve and heal the affected area. Remember cats are sensitive, and not all products are suitable for their skin including some essential oils. Please check carefully before using a new product on your cat.

This fresh-smelling topical lotion offers cats fast and effective relief from skin irritations, hot spots, scaly skin, flea allergies, dermatitis, and dry skin conditions.

Organic whole-leaf aloe vera gel and vitamin E rush healing energy to the deepest layers of the skin. Sulfur, known as the “healing mineral,” reduces itching and flaking associated with seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, is toxic to the scabies mite, and is both antibacterial and antifungal.

At Dermagic UK, we have an organic pet skincare solution to help any skin condition. Please get in touch on 01624 829575 for advice choosing the right products.