Category: Dog Skin Conditions
What are Mites and Mange in Dogs and Cats
What are mites? Mites are microscopic creatures that resemble miniature spiders. Among the mites species that attack cats and dogs, are members of the Sarcoptic mange mites (family Sarcoptidae), which burrow under the skin. Demodex mites (family Demodicidae) are parasites that live in or near the hair follicles of mammals, including humans. Cheyletiella mites look…
Is your dog losing hair? Skin turning black?
We want to show you a real dog with a real problem that so many dogs experience. Meet Gus, son of Angela. Gus had been diagnosed with a thyroid problem and was losing his hair, and his skin was turning black. This picture below shows how widespread this disease had become. Many dogs with this…
The Most Common Skin Conditions in Dogs and Cats
Cats and Dogs both suffer from an array of different skin conditions, but there are a few of these pet skin conditions that are very common, here is a brief summery. Fleas Fleas are probably the most common cause of skin conditions in dogs and cats. Some dogs and cats are more sensitive to flea…
Why Use DERMagic Natural Shampoo and Conditioner for Dogs?
There are some things that we might take for granted when it comes to dogs. Some things that we might not realise, or even consider. We might assume that all dogs like chasing sticks, or that they all love to chew on bones. We might believe that they all have a problem with cats, or…
Is your dog losing hair? Skin turning black?
We want to show you a real dog with a real problem that so many dogs experience. Meet Gus, son of Angela. Gus had been diagnosed with a thyroid problem and was losing his hair, and his skin was turning black. This picture below shows how widespread this disease had become. Many dogs with this…
What is Canine Atopic Dermatitis?
Most pet owners that have a dog diagnosed with canine Atopic Dermatitis are surprised and unsure of what exactly it is. Most pet owners don’t realize that allergies are just as common in pets as they are in humans, and can cause cats and dogs quite a bit of suffering. What is Canine Atopic Dermatitis?…
Sir Winston the Pomeranian Beats Black Skin Disease
Folks, sometimes a story is so compelling that we feel obliged to share it. Please read about little Sir Winston’s journey back to good health, pink skin and full coat with the help of DERMagic products. Yes, Alopecia X can be reversed… and here’s one very heart-warming tale, reproduced here exactly as Sir Winston’s pet…
Dog Skin Problems Caused by Parasites (Fleas, Ticks, Mange Mites and More)
A parasite is an organism (a flea, for example) that spends a significant portion of its life in or on the living tissue of a host organism (your pet) and which causes harm to the host without immediately killing it. Some parasites are relatively innocuous, some are not, and some can cause serious skin problems.…
Hot Spots on Dogs and How to Treat Them
A hotspot (also referred to as pyotramatic or moist dermatitis) is a condition that involves a part of skin that has become inflamed and infected. The affected skin is typically seen as a wet oozing reddened patch that’s painful and very uncomfortable for the dog. Additionally hair loss may be seen. Continued licking and chewing…
Hot Spots, Rashes and Dog Skin Irritations
One of the most common medical complaints in dogs and cats is the familiar "Hot Spot” — also called "acute moist dermatitis.” There are many causes of hot spots, including allergies and parasites, but the common factor is infection, whether bacterial, fungal, or yeast (another type of fungus). A hot spot can appear anywhere on…